From last few days weather became pleasant after rainfall. Temperature was not too high. Cloudy weather with stream make the area really wonderful. In this season charak mela was organised in different area of town as well as near village of kharagpur. Let’s started with Jhareswar mandir in Malancha area. This temple was one of the oldest temple in town and charak mela organised from long time ago. From last few years the temple ground shrink due to continue development of building multi-storeyed homes and flats in surrounding areas.
Charakmela in malancha Kharagpur
Charakmela in Mlancha Kharagpur

Charakmela last day in Mlancha Kharagpur
Charakmela in malancha Kharagpur 2012
Jhareswar temple was little inside from malancha main road their fore people from other corner of town not able to reach their so easily, but still there was huge crowd gathered during festive over here.
Charak mela was a village festival, this was organised by villagers to pay thanks to lord siva to bring them joy and prosperity in life. They also pray to shiv, for joy and prosperity in Bengali New Year started from 1st baisakh. They made charak, which was a tall bamboo and hang themselves with this in mid night to get the blessing from god.

Charak mela in Partha village near Kharagpur
Shiv Temple from Gole bazaar Kharagpur
Jhareshwar temple in Keshpur Medinipur
Jhareshwar temple in Keshpur Medinipur
Charak mela from Partha near Kharagpur
Charakmela from Jhargram
Charakmela from Jhargram

Jhau dance during Charak festival in Jhargram

Charak mela in Jhargram
My blog was dedicated to my town and I want our new generation would know the rich history and heritage of this town. There are many festivals which were going to die with time and after some years we can heard this from our parents.
Bengali New Year was started from 1st baisakh and in this day they organised puja in their home, businessman’s started new book and clears most of their due payments and receipts before that. Trader’s organised sale to clears there old lots of stocks .In our town Gole Bazaar as well as Gate Bazaar you can get garments, shoes and different house hold items at low price. bazaar also brings some sale offer in different items in this season.

Sale in Gole Bazaar Kharagpur

Sale in Gole Bazaar Kharagpur

In kharagpur municipality election fever reach in every area .As election schedule on 25 April .Different parties start their campaign in and trying to convince voters.

Temple near traffic